Monday, August 07, 2006

My first thought was "who would want to read this?" My thoughts are usually random and of no great importance. They range from theology to military history and everything in between. My thoughts don’t have much of an impact on world events or for that matter, local events. Unless my thoughts involve “something fun”, my two boys aren’t usually interested. My thoughts don’t seem to be particularly inspiring. I wouldn’t say they are insightful or even very original or unique either. So what’s the point of posting them? Why bother ? It would be hardly worth the effort. But, if there was just one person who hung on my every word and not only valued my opinion, but treasured it. If there was just one person who saw that my thoughts weren’t random and unimportant. If there was just one person who’s entire world was impacted by my thoughts. If there was just one person who was interested in my thoughts and found them inspiring and insightful. If just one person found my thoughts original and as unique as a fingerprint, it would be worth posting. Then it hit me. There is such a person. My best friend, my perfect companion, my wife. Genesis 2:18 So, on second thought…

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