Friday, February 09, 2007

Subotica, Srbije (Serbia)

Today we went to Subotica, Serbia to get our visas for Hungary. It sounds strange, but we had to leave Hungary and go to the Hungarian embassy in Serbia because visas needed to be applied for outside of the country. Anyway, it was a long day but we saw a lot of beautiful and interesting things. We had lunch at an Italian restaurant, that served Mexican pizza, with French paintings on the walls, while an American Christian song played on the radio, in Serbia. That was a strange moment.

The boys made a new friend on the streets of Subotica.

Lost in translation?

While Dominic and Joshua were amazed at all the new sights around them, they were quickly made aware of the harsh reality of life outside the United States. As they went into a store, they came across a little boy who was sitting by the door begging. They each decided that the colorful dinara (Serbian money) that I had given them as souvenirs was better off in the hands of that boy. They asked if they could give their dinara to him. What could I say? It’s not where that money would end up, but the intentions of their hearts to give.

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