Tomorrow is Independence Day in Ukraine and all the news channels are running stories of the preparations and ceremonies going on. There are lots of Ukrainian flags and images of the Tryzub, the national symbol of Ukraine, everywhere you look. If you look closely at the symbol you can make out the word "ВОЛЯ" (volya), which means freedom. I was watching news coverage of a Ukrainian politician preparing to address a crowd of onlookers when she passed by a variation of the Tryzub that I had never seen before. In the top center, there was a cross added to the national symbol.
Knowing that the symbol means "freedom", I thought how fitting that this version could be interpreted to convey a very powerful message. Freedom in Christ.
Happy Independence Day and may God bless Ukraine and its people.
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. John 8:36
Коли Син отже зробить вас вільними, то справді ви будете вільні. Ів 8:36
Коли Син отже зробить вас вільними, то справді ви будете вільні. Ів 8:36
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