By the time this blog posts, we should be on an Aeroflot plane somewhere over Russia on our way to Los Angeles. We don't know exactly what God has planned for us, but we know that He has forever changed our lives by taking us to Ukraine. Our perspective on life in this world will never be the same. God has taught us so much over the last three years. We are so grateful for all the opportunities He has given us and all the people He has brought into our lives. We have definitely witnessed lives changed, including our own.
We don't know if we will ever have a chance to return to Ukraine although I would love to lead a short term missions team to Ukraine if God wills it. I honestly believe that leaving Ukraine is much harder than when we left the United States. We always knew that someday we would have to move back and that we could go back to visit friends and relatives, but we know there is a possibility that we may never return or see all the beautiful people of Ukraine that we have come to know and love. Some of those people are dear friends and like family to us. I can't begin to describe all the emotions we have been feeling.
Our time in Ukraine has taught us a unique lesson in the value of life as we watched people die simply because the knowledge and resources that could have otherwise saved them was not available. I know it has helped me to see more clearly that we are perishing and that Jesus is the only one who can truly save us. We have also been blessed to see God bring new life into this world in Ukraine. There is no greater joy than holding an infant in your arms and being able to dedicate them to the Lord.
We will be living in California and serving the Lord however we can, but our hearts will always be in Ukraine. Thank you to everyone who has helped us through prayer and support. You have truly been a part of this chapter in our lives and touched lives that you may never be aware of. And to all of our friends in Ukraine, we love you and will NEVER forget you. May the Hope of Christ be with you always.
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